
  • Denying the existence of heaven and hell goes hand-in-hand with rejecting God.  If there is no heaven, there is no ultimate reward for righteousness.  If there is no hell, there is no eternal punishment for sinfulness.  By attempting to do away with heaven and hell, men believe they can behave as they see fit without lasting consequences.

  • Evolutionary thought has so permeated our culture that people sometimes compare the attributes of men with the attributes of what they call, “other animals.”  By using the phrase, “other animals,” they imply that mankind is part of the animal kingdom.  We assert that there are fundamental differences between men and animals and we affirm that the true nature of man must be seen through the lens of the Bible.

  • German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) famously declared that God is dead (“Gott ist tot”).  He was referring to a cultural shift that was well underway by the late 19th century, a shift away from historic Christianity and toward science and secularism.