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German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) famously declared that God is dead (“Gott ist tot”).  He was referring to a cultural shift that was well underway by the late 19th century, a shift away from historic Christianity and toward science and secularism.  Charles Darwin had already done much to undermine the biblical account of Creation and to provide agnostics with reasons to doubt the existence of God.  Today, Darwin’s theories on evolutionary biology are generally accepted and constitute a direct contradiction of what we read in the Bible. 

Answering attacks on God’s Creation account is crucial for, as God’s enemies well know, if Genesis falls, so does all of Christianity.  Here we affirm the truth claims of Genesis and lay the groundwork for future affirmations concerning the nature of man, the existence of the supernatural and the credibility of modern scientific theory.

  1. There is a God.
  2. There is only one God.
  3. God created all things.
  4. God created all things in six literal days (six 24-hour periods).
  5. The things God created consist of the entire universe and everything in it, including all life.
  6. God created man in his own image.
  7. God created man to give glory to God and to enjoy a close relationship with him.
  8. God created all living things in a fully mature, adult state.
  9. The answer to the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” is “The chicken.”
  10. God remains actively and intimately involved in the workings of his creation.
  11. God sustains all life from one moment to the next.
  12. God upholds the physical world and applies to it the laws of nature that he established.
  13. God sustains all things continuously.
  14. God did not “wind up” the universe like a giant alarm clock and walk away to let it run all by itself.
  15. If God stopped sustaining things, no one would be able to draw his next breath.
  16. If God stopped sustaining things, the birds would fall dead from the sky.
  17. If God stopped sustaining things, the stars would fall from the heavens and the universe would spin out of control.
  18. God created all life and all matter from nothing (ex-nihilo).
  19. Only God can create something from nothing.
  20. Scientists cannot create matter or life.
  21. Men cannot create any physical thing, living or inanimate.
  22. Men can rearrange, reshape, modify, separate and recombine existing things, the things God made, in new ways.
  23. The ability to rearrange existing things is creative, but it is not creation.
  24. God continues to create life to this day through reproduction of existing kinds, but not through the production of new kinds.
  25. With each new baby girl or boy, God creates a new body and a new soul.
  26. The laws of nature are not evidence of a universe on autopilot, but evidence of a creation under God’s constant watch and control.