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Evolutionary thought has so permeated our culture that people sometimes compare the attributes of men with the attributes of what they call, “other animals.”  By using the phrase, “other animals,” they imply that mankind is part of the animal kingdom.  We assert that there are fundamental differences between men and animals and we affirm that the true nature of man must be seen through the lens of the Bible.  This is essential for us to properly understand the world in which we live and our place in it.

  1. God created man in his own image.
  2. Having the image of God means we are like God in some limited respects.
  3. Having the image of God means we have self-awareness.
  4. Having the image of God means we have the capacity to reason.
  5. Having the image of God means we have the ability to love.
  6. Having the image of God means we have and the ability to appreciate beauty.
  7. Having the image of God means we have the ability to think abstract thoughts.
  8. Having the image of God means we have the ability to re-shape, separate and recombine existing matter in new and creative ways.
  9. Animals were not created in the image of God.
  10. Animals lack many of the attributes of men.
  11. Animals lack a code of ethics.
  12. Animals have the ability to think, but they lack the ability to think deeply abstract thoughts.
  13. Animals lack the ability to reason through complex matters and employ the laws of logic.
  14. Animals do not have worldviews, philosophies or religious beliefs.
  15. The ability of animals to appreciate beauty is questionable.
  16. The ability of animals to re-shape matter in new and creative ways, to make tools, for example, is severely limited.
  17. Some animals have the capacity to love, but only in a limited sense of the word.
  18. Animals do many things instinctively that men do by conscious choice.
  19. Men were created by God to mate for life.
  20. Most animals do not mate for life and were not created by God to mate for life.
  21. Being created in the image of God sets men completely apart from the animal kingdom.
  22. Men consist of body (the physical part) and soul (the spiritual part).
  23. Animals lack souls.
  24. The minds of men are somehow bound up with their souls and their bodies.
  25. The precise nature of the union of the mind, the soul and the body of man is not understood.
  26. Mental disability can interfere with a man’s capacity to think without damaging his soul.
  27. Most men in our time die before they reach 100 years of age.
  28. Before the flood of Noah, men lived for hundreds of years.
  29. The bodies of men share many similarities with the bodies of animals, particularly higher order mammals, but humans remain distinctly different from all animals in many key respects.
  30. Men are unique among living things.
  31. Men have attributes possessed by no other living creatures.
  32. It is an insult, both to God and to men, to suggest that men are merely smart animals.
  33. The notion that men evolved from animals is false.
  34. God created humans higher in the order of living beings than any animal.
  35. Humans have dominion over all animals.
  36. Man’s dominion over animals accounts for the observable fact that many animals, even those who can easily overpower any man, are afraid of men.
  37. Many animals, if not most, will flee if they can, rather than confront a man. When cornered, however, almost any animal will fight in an effort to defend itself.
  38. God endows men and animals alike with a strong sense of self-preservation.
  39. Although God created men higher than his animal creatures, men are also creatures.
  40. All of God’s creatures cling tenaciously to life.
  41. All men are sinners (disobedient to God) by nature.
  42. There is life after death for human beings. Men do not cease to exist when they die.
  43. There is no life after death for animals. Animals cease to exist when they die.
  44. A man’s spirit continues on after his body dies.
  45. The soul of a man exists forever, but animals do not have souls.
  46. The souls of men are immortal, having a beginning but no end.
  47. The souls of men are not eternal, which would mean having neither a beginning nor an end.
  48. Only God is eternal, having neither beginning nor end.